Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our trip to Arizona

Arizona Cactus.

Visiting Casa Grande, Olivia was loving spending time with her Grand parents.  It was super windy, so this was a really quick trip, but there was not a whole lot to look at there anyways. 
I love the cactus with purple on them!  Had to get a pic!  Unfortunately I could not get more pics becuase the weather was pretty yucky.
one of my favorite pics from vacation!  Liv and Grandpa Berry having a conversation together. 
Elijah sure loved Grandma Berry, it was so sweet how he cuddled with her and smiled at her!  So glad we got to go down for a visit!

Dan and Liv at a really fun park by Grandma and Grandpas, Dan and I had a blast there as well!
Becuase I missed the really cool sunset on the first night we were there I was determined to get a sunset pic, we were on a walk the first night walking away from the sunset, as we turned around and started heading home, we realized, there was a beautiful sunset and we were to far away from the house to get the camera in time.  So these will have to do. 

Because I am never in the pictures we did a hold the camera out and snap,  This is difficult with my camera,  but we got one!
On the way home we pulled over at an abandund gas station to feed Elijah.  So of course a picture was in order!
We stopped a lot to go the bathroom, feed Elijah and go the bathroom, traveling with a three year old that had to use the restroom a lot, a five month old that wanted to eat a lot and of course to fill up the tank!
On a long desert highway...............cool wind in my hair...............
................and finally back in Colorado!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

those sunset pics are gorgeous!!! love them!