Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are in Michigan!

Olivia has been able to meet her Cousin Vance, Uncle Greg, great grandma and grandpa, aunt Terri and uncle Jim and oodles of others. She is having a blast. She was perfect on her first plane ride and we were so thankful for that! It is nice to see freinds and family, I won't be able to post much, becuase my parents computer is super slow, but thought I would put a few Michigan pics on here. Olivia has a new orange bakini, we could not resist. Of course we have all ready went to the amway store twice and found many, many things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are soo happy you guys are having such a good time! We love the orange bikini!:) Cute cute!!:) We miss you mucho~!
the jberry fam