Monday, June 30, 2008

Olivia loves kitty's

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Olivia's new hobby!

Olivia was bowling for penguins. She loves it. She does not understand that you throw the ball at the penguins yet, but she sure has fun knocking the penguins over with her fist.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy 50th Kelley!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Olivia's new tricks

Olivia sits up like a big girl, now that she is five months old. She loves to look at my painting album too. she sits on the floor and turns the pages. She thinks she is big stuff. It's pretty entertaining.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Olivia's new pool

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back home in Colorado.......

Daddy and Olivia tuckered out after the big day! Olivia did awesome on the plane ride home though, she was a trooper once again.
Olivia has a cool new toy like Hunters, and Masons. We had to get her one, she played with Hunter's for the last 3 weeks and loved it so we decided she needed one in Colorado. I think she is glad to be back, I think she remembered home, she still remembers when I sit on the couch and lift her to look in the mirror. I don't know how she remembers that.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Olivia's visit to Michigan

More fun in Michigan

We have less than a week in Michigan so here are some of the final pics.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Michigan's Adventure

Today was the perfect fathers day, I don't know how I could possibly top this one. Michigan's Adventure was a blast the weather was perfect and the park was not croweded at all, we never had to wait in lines for rides and Olivia was an angel all day, only three more days left for fun in Michigan.

Happy Fathers Day, Daddy!

"20 Reasons why I love Daddy" -Olivia Jade

20 Daddy is the funniest person on the planet
19 Daddy loves to sing silly songs
18 Daddy, is my hero
17 Daddy gives me hugs and Kisses
16 Daddy loves me even when I am grumpy
15 Daddy is so patient
14 Daddy works so hard to support me and mommy
13 Daddy changes my diapers
12 Daddy plays airplane with me
11 Daddy is so proud of me
10 Daddy loves my mommy
9 Daddy is so handsome
8 Daddy bounces me to sleep
7 Daddy spoils me rotten
6 Daddy makes silly faces at me
5 Daddy holds me tight
4 Daddy helps mommy take care of me
3 Daddy snuggles with me in the morning
2 Daddy reads me stories every night
1 Daddy is the best Daddy, in the whole wide world!

I love you Daddy happy fathers day and thank you for taking such good care of me and Mommy.

Happy Birthday Olivia, 5 Months old!

Olivia is one big girl, she is five months old today! We just got back from up north, and had such a good time.

Three generations

It takes to long to post pictures so this is all I am posting for now. We took a whole bunch downtown today and got some really good ones.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blues concert in Rockford and other firsts

We always seem to find plenty of things to do when we come to Michigan. Tonight we went to listen to blues in Rockford. Saturday we are going to Michigan's adventure. Olivia is having all kinds of fun, she eats avacodo, rice cereal and ice cream. She has had many first; riding elevators at the mall, she loves to shop. We have been to the amway store multiple times. We are going to go downtown and do one more photo shoot, maybe tomorrow. Olivia gets to go to the art museum and possibly the fredric miejer botanical gardens. We still need to take Olivia to the beach and also up north. Olivia saw more cousins today, she has met many people and gets to see Hunter everyday. Tomorrow Olivia might go and see Grandpa at work, he wants to show her off. She has so much excitement every day she is so tuckered out she sleeps so good all night, except she has been waking up on her belly. Silly baby! We are not sure when she rolls over but it is somtime in the night. Well that is all for now. I sure we will have many more adventures before we make it back to Colorado. We are having lots of fun in Michigan and Olivia is getting spoiled by grandma and grandpa.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Family pictures

Mitch, Evelyn and Oscar came to visit!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

More Michigan pics

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are in Michigan!

Olivia has been able to meet her Cousin Vance, Uncle Greg, great grandma and grandpa, aunt Terri and uncle Jim and oodles of others. She is having a blast. She was perfect on her first plane ride and we were so thankful for that! It is nice to see freinds and family, I won't be able to post much, becuase my parents computer is super slow, but thought I would put a few Michigan pics on here. Olivia has a new orange bakini, we could not resist. Of course we have all ready went to the amway store twice and found many, many things.