Today I turned 31, don't feel any older, and it's actually been a pretty super birthday! I usually don't like birthdays, or holidays, just because I get so excited about them and my expectations are so high, that I am usually let down, I try not to but they usually turn out in tears, when things just don't go as planned, and crazy things end up happening. For some reason they are just extra emotional days for me.
I had to work today but decided to bring a treat for one of my classes, they sang to me, which made me feel special and silly at the same time. I am 31 and my high school kids are singing to me. Well my husband woke me up saying Happy Birthday, which was a little thing but actually made me feel quite special because I forgot it was my birthday until he said that. I made a quiche for us to eat for breakfast, I love quiche. At school my wonderful husband made me a birthday card out of contruction paper which could not of been cuter, expecially because it was from him and Olivia. That made my day. Did I mention, he was not supposed to get me a present becuase we went out to dinner last night and he bought me a plane ticket to go and see Jillian in Spokane in a week. But when I woke up this morning he had a gift for me, a zoom lens, which I wanted really badly, for the weddings that I am going to photograph this summer! So needless to say I am spoiled and don't deserve all that he does for me.
It's also surprising to me to see all the wonderful messages that people message me on facebook, the nice things they say, and I wonder are they talking about me. Not to mention the wonderful birthday messages I have gotten my phone that I of course missed the calls because my phone was dead or I was napping. Which is another huge blessing that Olivia went to sleep because I have been emotionally and mentally exhausted, these last couple of weeks, with the news of our little boy, and the end of school, and just the crazy month of May, Good things but at the same time, a lot to wrap my head around. I guess being prego makes everything that's happening just a bit more emotional for all ready super emotional me!