Yes Olivia spent our third year anniversary with us, that is what happens when you have a sixth month old who won't take a bottle and no family to babysit. We had a wonderful day for our third anniversary, we went out to breakfast at Eldorado bakery. Our favorite place, it was wonderful, then we headed to Ouray, where we hung out at the hot springs most of the day, it was beautiful, Olivia got a new float for the springs, which she loved. Then we checked into our super nice hotel room in town and walked around town until dinner is when the fun began, Olivia has never been so wild. She was screaming louder than I have ever heard, trying to grab everything off the table, chucking toys, good thing Buen Tiempo, is a loud resturant. She was wild. After that we went to our favorite chocloate shop and got dessert. Then off to a coffe shop to get a drink and listen to some lives music, the guy was singing a song about how there is no shopping mall within 90 miles. It was pretty funny. Then at nine we took Olivia swimming at the hotel.